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Proton launches new logo and tagline, X70 CKD first to receive new logo

Eric · Sep 24, 2019 11:34 AM

Proton launches new logo and tagline, X70 CKD first to receive new logo 01

Two years after partnering with Geely, Proton announced today a new logo today and new tagline to mark a new chapter in the company's growth.

Proton logo slide

The new, almost 'Thundercat-like' logo, is an evolution of Proton's current Malaysian tiger motive design, but has been polished further to emphasize the four core elements of the brand's message - strength, agility, courageous, and pride.

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The previous tagline of 'It's In The Drive' has now been replaced with 'Inspiring Connections,' which is more current with today's trend towards connected mobility, where a car is no longer just about driving. 

2019 Proton X70

Moving forwards, the locally-assembled Proton X70 will be the first Proton model to receive the new logo. In addition to that, existing dealers will be updated with the new logo within a 2-year timeline.

Proton launches new logo and tagline, X70 CKD first to receive new logo 02

Dato’ Sri Syed Faisal Albar, Chairman of Proton Holdings Bhd said, “As we unveil our new logo, we are marking the next chapter in Proton’s journey. Driven by our new ethos, I’m proud to say that the past two years have proven that we are capable of making this journey to becoming a modern automotive brand, a success.”

Proton CEO Li Chunrong

 Dr Li Chunrong, CEO of Proton Holdings Bhd added, “For us, branding goes beyond our logo, tagline or colours. It’s about what our company stands for and is known for, it is our company’s commitment to our customers. This is why we did not rush to launch new branding when we begun our journey in 2017, but instead we focused our energy on solving customer issues, making a better product, upgrading our dealer network and restoring customer trust. That is our commitment and our ‘brand’.”



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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