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Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy?

Eric · Dec 23, 2022 02:51 PM

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 01

The Honda StepWgn is an MPV that competes against rivals like the Toyota Voxy and Nissan Serena. Unlike the 7-seater Serena, the StepWgn can be had as a 7- or 8-seater MPV, depending on variant.

Like the Toyota Voxy, the Honda StepWgn has been seeing an uptick in popularity in recent times, as the wait times for brand-new cars are just too long. Potential owners are skipping the wait by opting for a recond car instead.

Overview – Probably one of the best value-for-money recond MPV

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 02

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For the purpose of this recond car buying guide, we will be focusing our attention on the fifth-generation StepWgn, specifically the StepWgn and StepWgn Spada (RP1, RP2, RP3).

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 01

The fifth-generation Honda StepWgn made its debut in 2015 and is the first of its generation to offer Honda’s famed turbocharged 1.5-litre VTEC Turbo 4-cylinder petrol engine. In the StepWgn, said engine outputs 150 PS and 203 Nm, delivered to either the front wheels or all four wheels.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 02

Hybrid variants aren't imported by recond dealers

Buyers in Japan also have the option of the i-MMD two-motor petrol-electric hybrid system. That said, variants fitted with the hybrid powertrain aren’t imported into Malaysia.

Which variant to get?

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 03

Some recond dealers do offer the Modulo X version of the StepWgn

While Japanese buyers have a plethora of variants to choose from, over in Malaysia, choices are far limited.

Recond dealers in Malaysia generally bring in two variants of the StepWgn, the 1.5 G and Spada. Between the two variants, the Honda Sensing ADAS suite is offered on some variants, so if that’s something that you require in your car, double check that feature before signing the dotted line.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 04

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 05

Unlike the Voxy and its 2-airbag setup, most units of the StepWgn offered by recond dealers here are fitted with 6 airbags.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 06

You can open the StepWgn's tailgate like a fridge's door

Moreover, the StepWgn also offers the ingenious Wakuwaku Gate, which translates into “Exciting gate”. It is essentially a fancy name for dual-opening tailgate, maximizing its practicality.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 07

Further adding to the StepWgn’s credentials are its Magic Seats. Yes, the StepWgn also has Magic Seats like the Honda City Hatchback and Honda HR-V. In the StepWgn, the Magic Seats feature is available on the third-row seats, whereby the seats can be split left-right, as well as stored under the floor.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 08

Prices of a recond Honda StepWgn range between RM 125k to RM 190k, depending on variant, equipment and mileage. No two recond units are the same, so selecting the right car from the right dealer is crucial.

Common issues?

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 09

For the most part, the Honda StepWgn is a relatively problem-free MPV.

That being said, a recond car is still a used car so potential owners should keep an eye out for these potential issues.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 10

Via Honda Stepwgn/Stepwagon Malaysia (Malaysia Stepwgners)


Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 11

Via Honda Stepwgn/Stepwagon Malaysia (Malaysia Stepwgners)


The fan motor could develop carbon build-up over time, resulting in the air-conditioning blowing warm air, or even engine temperatures hitting the red zone. To remedy this, owners can have the fan motor serviced by removing the carbon build-up, which costs about RM 80. If that doesn’t fix the problem, then a replacement fan motor is needed, costing in the RM 800 region.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 12

Some owners also reported of brake judders at higher speeds. To fix this, those in the StepWgn owners group recommend to replace the brake pads with better pads.

Also Read: Nissan Serena vs Toyota Voxy: Which family MPV should you get?

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 13

There are also instances whereby the Wakuwaku doors would refuse to open. If this happens, owners should make sure that the gear shifter is in P (Park) and that the rear wiper is turned off. Owners are also advised against modifying the StepWgn’s rear wiring harness to prevent such issues from occurring.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 14

If the StepWgn’s instrument cluster starts displaying the Honda Sensing warning light, owners are advised to clean the sensors (front grille and windshield). If the error continues to happen, owners should take their StepWgn to a workshop to have it diagnosed.

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 15

Key fob low batter warning. Via Honda Stepwgn/Stepwagon Malaysia (Malaysia Stepwgners)

Seeing that the StepWgn is originally a Japanese market car, its infotainment system and meter cluster is only available in Japanese. While it is possible to swap out the infotainment system with one that displays English text, the same may not be possible with the instrument cluster. Time for Japanese language class?


Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 16

Compared to the Toyota Voxy, the Honda StepWgn is a far more sophisticated product. Not only does the StepWgn offer a far more powerful engine option, it also offers a more ingenious tailgate and better safety features than the Toyota.

The StepWgn, just like the Voxy, can also be had with the WelCab feature. The Welcab feature is a boon for families with elderly folks with mobility issues.

Also Read: Recond Toyota Voxy: Serena too common? Maybe this 7-seater MPV would be ideal

Recond Honda StepWgn: Turbocharged 7-seater MPV alternative to the Serena, what Voxy? 17

Whereas buying a brand-new Nissan Serena has the benefit of a 5-year warranty, the Serena’s road tax is higher and lacks the Wakuwaku doors. That being said, onus is on the buyer to watch out for tampered mileage, accident or flood-damaged units that are no longer road-worthy in Japan. If in doubt, time to purchase the auction sheet for the particular unit you're interested in; do not trust the copy provided by the seller.

If you’re interested in a recond Honda StepWgn, check out’s units here.




Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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