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Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70?

Sanjay · Mar 8, 2021 09:00 PM

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 01

Lotus' famed ride and handling prowess - long the pride point of Proton cars - was something not found on the cushy Proton X70. It seems Geely has beat us to the punch on that front as the Chinese-market Geely Boyue Asian Games Edition will be upgraded with Lotus ride and handling!

Updated chassis, better handling

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 02

Built to commemorate the 19th Asian Games - set to take place in Hangzhou, China, next year - the most notable update this special edition Boyue gets is its chassis updates.

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Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 01

The Boyue Asian Games Edition comes with a new rear subframe that is 25% lighter and 20% stiffer than the unit it replaces. The cherry on top of all this is the Lotus-tuned suspension, which promises better handling and off-road capabilities.

Also read: 2020 Proton X70 CKD gets stiffer suspension for better ride & handling that an Infinite Weave grille?

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 02

Yes it is! Other than the handling upgrade, Geely's taken a few pages off Proton's sketchbook for this special edition model.

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 03

For one, they've slapped on Proton's 'Infinite Weave' grille up front, and on the rear, spelled out the 'Geely' brand across the tailgate, much like how 'Proton' is written on the X70. Both of which are key traits of our X70 and were previously employed in last year's Boyue 1 Million Edition.

Also read: Geely Boyue gets Proton X70 Infinite Weave grille in China, Special Edition Model!

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 04

Other than that, there's red and black inserts on the bodywork, as long as a set of red brake calipers - very Proton X50, those.

Also read: Review: 2020 Proton X50 - all the pros and flaws about Malaysia's most-hyped SUV!

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 05

Interior remains the same

Beyond those, powertrain choices are unchanged from the normal variants:

Geely Boyue Asian Games Edition

1.8-litre, turbocharged four-cylinder

7-speed wet-type dual-clutch transmission (DCT)

Front-wheel drive

184 PS

300 Nm

Special edition Geely Boyue gets Lotus ride & handling, but not Proton X70? 06

So what do you think - like what you see? It'll surely be interesting to note if the handling updates eventually reach our X70.


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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