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New Proton 3S centre opens in Kuantan

Eric · Sep 13, 2019 02:52 PM

Proton Service Centre front

Pesat Auto CTM Sdn Bhd (Pesat Auto) officially opened its new Proton 3S centre here today. It is the third dealer outlet to be opened in Kuantan which carries the company’s new corporate identity.

Proton Service Centre interior

Consisting of 6 bays, 4 hoists and a built-up area of 750 square meters, this new outlet with a total investment of RM2.3 million, is centrally located along the town’s main road. Pesat Auto is confident that this outlet will boost sales by about 30% and service throughput could possibly increase by 40%.

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Proton Service Centre reception

“The business landscape has changed tremendously over the years. Customers’ needs and expectations have also changed rapidly. In order to keep customers connected to us and be with us for the long term, it is necessary for us to continue to evolve to serve our customers efficiently. A one-stop centre will be a platform that will allow us to fulfil our customers’ requests and at the same time to expand and broaden our customer base,” said Tee Keh Hock, Director of Pesat Auto CTM Sdn Bhd.

Proton Service Centre service bays

The new PROTON is all about making sure customers get the best kind of feeling when they enter a PROTON outlet, be it for sales or service. Basically, it is so that customers get the same experience across all PROTON outlets.

Proton Service Centre

“What we are trying to do is to ensure that when a customer walks into a PROTON outlet, they immediately feel the PROTON experience. We emphasise customer care, and more importantly, addressing any issues in a professional way. We understand, that listening to customers cannot be an option – it is a priority. The more we engage with the needs of our customers, the better we are able to serve them and solve their problems,” said Dr Li Chunrong, Chief Executive Officer of Proton.

Proton Service Centre

Proton continues its exceptional sales momentum. August saw 9,127 units sold nationwide, and a 36% year-on-year growth, making it the highest among the Top-5 brands in the country. The company is also optimistic about sales and is confident of closing the year with higher numbers.

Proton Service Centre

In Proton, every region is outperforming compared to last year. The East Coast is doing well with an 8% growth for the region, and Pahang saw an increase of 10%. Models like the Saga and Persona remain a favourite, while the X70 accounts for 30% of sales in the state.

To-date PROTON has 102 outlets with 3S & 4S status in operation nationwide.

“We will continue to embark on this transformational journey, and we will strive to continue to wow our customers. Hopefully with more upgraded 3S & 4S outlets in place nationwide, we will slowly but surely draw more customers to the brand,” said Dr Li.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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