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GAC Motor opens first showroom in Cyberjaya

Arvind · May 15, 2024 06:00 PM

GAC Motor opens first showroom in Cyberjaya 01

GAC Motor dealer Evo Cartech S.B. has just opened the doors to a new showroom in Cyberjaya, the latest of the brand's growing network in Malaysia. 

The new 4,434 square-foot facility houses a showroom featuring GAC GS3 Emzoom SUV models, available for public viewing and test drives starting today. 

The Proton X50-sized GAC GS3 Emzoom locally assembled (CKD, Segambut) starts from RM 118,900. It’s powered by a 1.5-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder engine that produces 177 PS and 270 Nm. Power is sent to the front wheels via a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission.

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Also read: WTCA to sell 2k units of GAC GS3 Emzoom, 34.4k units per year capacity Segambut plant is the first for GAC outside of China

GAC Motor opens first showroom in Cyberjaya 01

Ng Tian Poh, Director of Evolution Autotech (parent company of Evo Cartech) added, “We are the new kid on the block in the automotive industry, and we are grateful and honoured to have the support of distributors like WTC Automotif to hold our hands as we begin our automotive venture this year."

Those interested in the GAC GS3 Emzoom can head to the GAC Motor Cyberjaya during its grand opening roadshow held from 16 to 19-May 2024, between 9.00 AM and 6.00 PM. Interested individuals can also call or WhatsApp 019-3857301 to schedule a test drive or book an appointment.


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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