RM -/month
Selects Cars
2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Window Van 15 Seater
Car Price
Down Payment
Interest Rate
Loan Period (years)
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Car Loan Monthly Installments Schedule

Repayment ScheduleMonthly RepaymentOutstanding Balance
1 RM -RM 93,922
2 RM -RM 92,790
3 RM -RM 91,658
4 RM -RM 90,527
5 RM -RM 89,395
6 RM -RM 88,264
7 RM -RM 87,132
8 RM -RM 86,000
9 RM -RM 84,869
10 RM -RM 83,737
11 RM -RM 82,606
12 RM -RM 81,474
13 RM -RM 80,343
14 RM -RM 79,211
15 RM -RM 78,079
16 RM -RM 76,948
17 RM -RM 75,816
18 RM -RM 74,685
19 RM -RM 73,553
20 RM -RM 72,421
21 RM -RM 71,290
22 RM -RM 70,158
23 RM -RM 69,027
24 RM -RM 67,895
25 RM -RM 66,763
26 RM -RM 65,632
27 RM -RM 64,500
28 RM -RM 63,369
29 RM -RM 62,237
30 RM -RM 61,105
31 RM -RM 59,974
32 RM -RM 58,842
33 RM -RM 57,711
34 RM -RM 56,579
35 RM -RM 55,447
36 RM -RM 54,316
37 RM -RM 53,184
38 RM -RM 52,053
39 RM -RM 50,921
40 RM -RM 49,790
41 RM -RM 48,658
42 RM -RM 47,526
43 RM -RM 46,395
44 RM -RM 45,263
45 RM -RM 44,132
46 RM -RM 43,000
47 RM -RM 41,868
48 RM -RM 40,737
49 RM -RM 39,605
50 RM -RM 38,474
51 RM -RM 37,342
52 RM -RM 36,210
53 RM -RM 35,079
54 RM -RM 33,947
55 RM -RM 32,816
56 RM -RM 31,684
57 RM -RM 30,552
58 RM -RM 29,421
59 RM -RM 28,289
60 RM -RM 27,158
61 RM -RM 26,026
62 RM -RM 24,895
63 RM -RM 23,763
64 RM -RM 22,631
65 RM -RM 21,500
66 RM -RM 20,368
67 RM -RM 19,237
68 RM -RM 18,105
69 RM -RM 16,973
70 RM -RM 15,842
71 RM -RM 14,710
72 RM -RM 13,579
73 RM -RM 12,447
74 RM -RM 11,315
75 RM -RM 10,184
76 RM -RM 9,052
77 RM -RM 7,921
78 RM -RM 6,789
79 RM -RM 5,657
80 RM -RM 4,526
81 RM -RM 3,394
82 RM -RM 2,263
83 RM -RM 1,131
84 RM --

Public Bank Car Loan Interest Rate 2023

Bank NameInterest Rate
CIMB 2.85% p.a.
Affin Bank 2.92% p.a.
AmBank 3.05% p.a.
RHB 3.18% p.a.
Hong Leong Bank 3.24% p.a.
Maybank 3.4% p.a.
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Maxus V80 Comparison

  • Does Maxus V80 has Speakers?

    No, Maxus V80 doesn't have Speakers.

  • Is Maxus V80 available in Rear Entertainment?

    No, Maxus V80 isn't available in Rear Entertainment.

  • What is the Immobilizer of Maxus V80?

    Here are the Immobilizer and variants of Maxus V80:

    Variants2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Bas Pesiaran Window Van 12 Seater2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Bas Pesiaran Window Van 15 Seater2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Bas Pekerja Window Van 12 Seater2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Bas Pekerja Window Van 15 Seater2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Bas Sekolah Window Van 15 Seater2014 Maxus V80 2.5L High Roof Panel Van LWB2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Window Van 12 Seater2014 Maxus V80 2.5L Window Van 15 Seater