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2006 Nissan Serena 2.0 CVT Comfort
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Penisular Malaysia

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Nissan Serena Variants

  • What are the rivals of the Nissan Serena?

    Interestingly enough, the Nissan Serena has no direct competitors in Malaysia. The closest seven-seater that competes against the Serena is the Toyota Innova, though it would be unfair to pit the two together – the Serena offers a better ride comfort, while the truck-based Innova copes with poorer roads with ease.

    However, by taking new cars out of the equation, the Nissan Serena does compete with reconditioned Toyota Voxy units. We’ve detailed that in this article.

  • When will it arrive in Malaysia?

    ETCM introduced the C27-generation Nissan Serena back in mid-2018, which puts the model right in time for its mid-life update in 2021.

  • what’s new on Nissan Serena?

    In Japan, the updated Nissan Serena is available with two very distinctive front-ends – the bolder-looking Highway Star variant and its tamer-looking siblings.

    Updated Highway Star variants get a new, prominent V-Motion front grille and a redesigned front bumper, giving it a very aggressive appeal.

    As for the non-Highway Star variants, they get a mildly-revised front-end that features a new bumper and grille, which sees the front fog lights positioned a tad bit lower than the outgoing model. The grille pattern is also new, as the chrome strips cutting across the grille is now thinner.

    Round the back, the updated Serena gains new graphics for the LED tail lights and a new rear bumper. New wheel design completes the exterior of the updated Serena.

    It is worth noting that e-Power variants of the updated Serena feature a blue stripe around the front grille.