Yes, Proton Suprima S has Parking Camera, which are: 2018 Proton Suprima S Suprima S Premium.
16 other Proton models
No, Proton Suprima S doesn't have Speakers.
The Chassis of the Proton Suprima S are as follow:
No, Proton Suprima S doesn't have Security Alarm.
Yes, Proton Suprima S has Child Safety Lock, which are: 2018 Proton Suprima S Suprima S Premium.
Here are the Rpm at Max Hp and variants of Proton Suprima S:
Here are the Power Socket and variants of Proton Suprima S:
No, Proton Suprima S doesn't have Parking Sensor Rear.
Yes, Proton Suprima S has Engine Start, which are: 2018 Proton Suprima S Suprima S Premium.
The Safety of the Proton Suprima S are as follow:
Yes, Proton Suprima S is available in Taillamps. The available Taillamps variants are: 2018 Proton Suprima S Suprima S Premium.