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How do I make my car tires look new again? Buy tire care and wheel care products online in Malaysia. Use these wheel cleaners to effectively remove stubborn dirt on your wheels and make your tires black and shiny.
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Your car window glass can accumulate dirt and dust particles, road grime, tree sap, water spots, bugs and bird droppings, it is recommended to use an ammonia-free car glass cleaner to clean the surface without causing any damage.
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With regular car upholstery care - like frequent vacuuming and periodic treatment with shampoo or a spray-on or wipe-off cleaner – you can keep your upholstery fresh and car looking new.
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Car compounding refers to the process of using compounds (polishing, rubbing or cutting) in order to restore the damaged car paintwork surfaces. The polishing compound is less abrasive and typically is used for enhancing the paint finish and increasing the shine. While it will get rid of lighter imperfections, it is not powerful enough to remove most heavier paintwork imperfections. Rubbing compound has harder abrasives with larger particle sizes, which results in a more aggressive formula, that are able to smooth out severe scratches and restore more severe damage to the car surface.
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今年7月 BYD M6 在东南亚最大汽车市场:印尼正式上市。售价从IDR 379百万至IDR 429百万(约 RM 114,500 至 RM 129,500),定位介于Toyota Veloz(最高IDR 340.4百万)与 Toyota Innova Zenix(起价IDR 430.4百万)之间。 作为一款三排7座 MPV,BYD M6 深受印尼买家青睐,自推出以来反响积极。 印尼市场:销量挤入前十,自2024年10月起,BYD M6 连续两个月跻身印尼市场十大畅销车型: 10月:排名第八,售出1,866辆,紧随老款 Toyota Innova(2,455辆),领先 Daihatsu Gran Max(1,746辆)。 11月:排名第九,售出1,770辆,仅落后于 Honda WR-V(1,784辆),超越 Toyota Agya(1,575辆)。值得一提的是,Toyota Agya 是大马 Perodua Axia 姐妹车型。 榜单第一名依然是印尼销量王者 Toyota Avanza,第二名为 Honda Brio。 数据由印尼汽车工业协会(GAIKINDO)发布。 在马来西亚,B
过去的一周(甚至几个月)对 Neta 来说并不友好。在中国,Neta 汽车面临严重的财务困难,据报道已暂停宜春和南宁工厂的生产。尽管如此, Neta 仍得到中国国有企业南宁工业投资集团的财务支持,暂时缓解了压力。 然而, Neta 刚刚找到一丝“生机”,却因 ASEAN NCAP 对 Neta V 测试结果遭遇重创,令人遗憾地获得“零星”评级。作为一个全球 NCAP 附属机构,专注于发展中市场 ASEAN NCAP 测试标准并不算苛刻,但 Neta V 依然交出如此令人失望的成绩单。 ASEAN NCAP 发现 Neta V前排安全带缺乏预紧器和负载限制器,这两个关键常被忽略,导致安全带在撞击后的释放过程无法受到控制,这将对乘客的胸部和肩部施加巨大的压力,增加受伤风险。作为对比,哪怕是ASEAN NCAP 四星评级 Perodua Axia,都配备这些功能。 尽管如此, Neta 依然在为期12天的泰国国际车展上获得2,016份订单,比去年增长14.2%。但需要注意的是,大部分订单是在12月9日(星期一)ASEAN NCAP 宣布结果之前获得。 零星评级的争议是否会导致买家大规模取消订
日前,大马 Honda 正式开放 2025 Honda Civic 小改款的预订,新车预计将在2025年1月正式发布。 新款车型将采用修饰的外观设计(与泰国版基本一致),配备全新18寸哑光灰铝合金轮圈,并保留两款 RS版本:e:HEV RS 混动车型和 RS 汽油车型。 动力方面,e:HEV RS 搭载先进 2.0L e:HEV 混合油电系统,综合输出为 184PS 和 315Nm。RS 汽油车型则搭载 1.5L VTEC涡轮引擎,拥有 182 PS 和 240 Nm 输出。 此外,新车将配备升级版 Honda Sensing 智能驾驶辅助系统和 Honda Connect 车联网服务。 买家现可通过 prebook.honda.com.my 或 HondaTouch 应用程序预订全新 Civic。如需更多详情,可前往全国101家 Honda 授权经销商咨询,拨打 Honda 免费热线 1-800-88-2020,或访问 www.honda.com.my。 不过价格尚未公布。可参考现款小改前 Honda Civic 售价(不含年底促销和经销商优惠)如下: Civic 1.5 E: RM
The BYD M6 was launched in Indonesia – Southeast Asia’s largest car market – in July this year. Prices range from IDR 379 million to IDR 429 million, positioning it between the Toyota Veloz (which tops out at IDR 340.4 million) and the Toyota Innova Zenix (which starts from IDR 430.4 million). As a three-row seat MPV, the BYD M6 is the kind of car Indonesians love, and the market has responded positively to its introduction. For two consecutive months since October 2024, the BYD M6 has ranked am
Proton has introduced the ProCare Smart Plan (PSP), a prepaid service package for the Proton Saga, Proton X90, and the 2025 Proton X70. The plan offers savings of up to 15% on servicing costs, with potential savings of up to RM670, depending on the model. New buyers can choose 3- or 5-year packages, ensuring fixed maintenance costs and service at Proton’s certified 3S/4S dealerships using genuine parts. The plan is transferable to new owners if the car is sold within the package period. Existing