Audi A3 Sedan June Used Car Offers

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Audi A3 Sedan Comparison

  • Does Audi A3 Sedan has Engine Start?

    Yes, Audi A3 Sedan has Engine Start, which are: 2019 Audi A3 Sedan 1.4 TFSI.

  • Tell me the Lighting of Audi A3 Sedan.

    The Lighting of the Audi A3 Sedan are as follow:

    Variants2019 Audi A3 Sedan 1.4 TFSI
    HeadlampsLED Projector
    TaillampsLED Combination
    Daytime Running LightsY
    Front FoglampsY
    Rear FoglampsY
    Interior LightingMap Lights and Ambient Lights
    Auto HeadlampsY
  • Does Audi A3 Sedan has ASEAN NCAP Rating?

    No, Audi A3 Sedan doesn't have ASEAN NCAP Rating.

  • What is the On Sale of Audi A3 Sedan?

    Here are the On Sale and variants of Audi A3 Sedan:

    Variants2019 Audi A3 Sedan 1.4 TFSI
    On SaleY
  • How many wheelbase(mm) does Audi A3 Sedan has?

    The wheelbase(mm) of Audi A3 Sedan are 2637.

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