
perodua kancil for sale

Fancy a top-less Perodua Kancil? It's on sale!

We’ve seen videos of creative project cars from all over the world and even from the less urban areas of Malaysia, the last thing we would expect to see is someone making a project out of a Perodua Kancil and turn it into a top-less "convertible". But that was exactly what surfaced on a Facebook group dedicated to selling second-hand cars. We have to say, it’s pretty cute. It is impossible to tell what year the Kancil was manufactured, because other than having its roof seared off, the owner has


May 14, 2020

Perodua Kancil vs Proton Saga – Which is the original Malaysian people’s car?

Okay, readers, this has been rattling around my head for the past week. As Malaysians, it is our sworn duty to protect and support all things Malaysian. Our national flower is the hibiscus, the national animal – the Malayan Tiger, and our breakfast of champions – nasi lemak with a side of fried eggs and sambal ikan bilis. But when it comes to cars, it is a bit of a difficult choice with which to award as the Malaysian people’s car? Is it the Perodua Kancil, the city roundabout that gave many Mal

CY FoongCY Foong

Sep 27, 2020

Sejarah Perodua Kancil - lebih 25 tahun yang mencipta kenangan rakyat Malaysia

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita telah menyaksikan peningkatan yang ketara dari segi kualiti dan pembuatan produk tempatan. Dalam aspek pengangkutan, negara kita memiliki jenama kenderaan yang lahir dari tanah air sendiri. Untuk Perodua, model Kancil telah gagah bertakhta dalam membantu kehidupan rakyat jelata walaupun ia kereta pertama daripada syarikat itu. Faktor harga mampu milik juga telah memberikan peluang kepada masyarakat untuk memiliki kenderaan yang boleh diharap dalam merialisasikan pot


Nov 21, 2020

Barang Rare: Daihatsu Mira untuk dijual. Original bukan Perodua Kancil yang diubahsuai!

Umum mengetahui bahawa Perodua Kancil adalah kereta kei-car paling seronok di Malaysia. Kereta apa pun yang anda bawa hari ini, segalanya bermula dengan mengambil lesen memandu menggunakan Perodua Kancil. Walaupun pernah dinobatkan sebagai antara kereta paling laris di Malaysia, agak sukar untuk menjumpai Perodua Kancil pada zaman ini. Apatah lagi, di sini kami temui Daihatsu Mira original bukan Kancil yang diubahsuai tersenarai untuk dijual. Daihatsu Mira tersebut mempunyai sedikit modifikasi d


Jul 8, 2020

Perodua Kancil vs Proton Saga: Yang manakah kereta rakyat yang sejati?

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita telah menyaksikan peningkatan yang ketara dari segi kualiti dan pembuatan produk tempatan. Dalam aspek pengangkutan, kita memiliki dua jenama kenderaan yang lahir dari tanah air sendiri iaitu Perodua dan Proton. Kedua-dua jenama ini telah gagah bertakhta dalam membantu kehidupan rakyat jelata. Model seperti Perodua Kancil dan Proton Saga telah memberikan peluang kepada masyarakat untuk memiliki kenderaan dengan harga mampu milik. Dengan itu, ia digelar sebagai keret


Sep 29, 2020

Perodua kancil mengelak Proton Waja sampai melambung 100 meter akibat dilanggar lori - salah siapa?

Akibat tersalah tindakan, sebuah Perodua Kancil dilaporkan melambung 100 meter di dalam satu kejadian di jalan menuju ke Kuala Krai, Kelantan. Menurut orang ramai, mangsa yang berpasangan suami isteri sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menjual kuih di pasar pagi yang berdekatan. Berdasarkan sumber orang ramai, kemalangan ini berpunca dari sebuah Proton Waja yang yang keluar dari cabang secara tiba-tiba. Perodua Kancil pula bertindak dengan mengelak sehingga ke lorong bertentangan. Apa yang lebih mala


Apr 14, 2021

Perodua Kancil drift tunjukkan semangat muhibbah dalam komuniti kereta Malaysia!

Tiada keraguan lagi bahawa rakyat Malaysia adalah rakyat yang sangat kreatif dan mampu mencapai kejayaan yang sangat besar. Tahukah anda, pemacu USB telah dicipta oleh rakyat Malaysia sendiri? Kini anda tahu. Di antara kita, antara ciptaan rakyat Malaysia yang hebat adalah Perodua Kancil drift ini. Jangan tak percaya - apa yang bakal anda saksikan adalah benar! Kereta kompak ini boleh dan mampu menyaingi kereta-kereta besar seperti Cefiro A31. Tidak percaya? Tengok ini: Dibangunkan oleh kru Stre


Aug 20, 2020

Homemade drifting Perodua Kancil shows the best of muhibbah in the Malaysian car community

There is zero doubt that Malaysians are a very creative bunch who are capable of very big things. After all, the ubiquitous pen drive was created by a Malaysian anyway. Somewhere in the veins of awesome Malaysian creations is this drifting Perodua Kancil. Don’t rub your eyes, you read that correctly - this little box can and will go up against big boys like the Cefiro A31. Don’t believe me? Watch this: Built by the multiracial ragtag Streetkilla crew, this kei car has got performance that betray


Aug 20, 2020

Rejoice because your Small Little Kancil will still have parts!

Good news to old Perodua model owners because Perodua has just made body parts much easier to access! Perodua has recently invested a cool RM 7 million into centralising parts production of past models. The investment goes into a new 1,600 metric tonne press stamping machine placed in their supplier IQM Sdn Bhd’s facility. The new hydraulic press will produce parts such as bonnets, side outer panels, rear outer panels, fenders, doors and roofs for past Perodua models like the first-generation My


Oct 29, 2019

Cheapest car on sale to feature AEB, the Perodua Axia

At RM 43,190, the Perodua Axia Advance is the cheapest car to come equipped with Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB). Most of us have been there, maybe something caught our attention away from the road momentarily, or we mispressed the accelerator pedal, or maybe we were too busy on *coughs* Facebook. A split second later and bam! But one feature that won’t be distracted or too busy is AEB. It is a system that detects an impending collision ahead and warns the driver. If the driver does not respo


Oct 29, 2019

Perodua Aruz, Proton X70. Ke mana hilangnya nama tempatan seperti Kancil dan Saga?

Pada awal pembabitan Perodua dan Proton dalam industri automotif Malaysia, kedua-dua jenama Malaysia ini menggunakan nama yang agak menarik pada barisan model mereka. Siapa yang tidak ingat dengan Perodua Kancil, Kelisa, Rusa yang menggunakan nama haiwan? Perodua mula mengubah strategi nama model mereka sekitar tahun 2005 dengan Perodua Myvi. Selepas itu, nama yang lebih unik dipilih seperti Perodua Viva (Untuk Hidup dalam bahasa Latin), Perodua Axia (diolah dari nama benua Asia, dengan menukark


Sep 11, 2020

How did the Perodua Kembara conquered Malaysians’ love for the SUV?

While the whole nation is abuzz with the Proton X50, there are some who would probably be more interested in the upcoming Perodua D55L. The still-unnamed SUV based on the Toyota Raize/Daihatsu Rocky will be Perodua’s successor to their previous SUVs, the Kembara and the Nautica. For now, we’ll take an off-road trip in the Kembara. It was so well-loved that we speculated Perodua might revive the name for the production D55L. It captured Malaysian hearts to venture the great outdoors or at least t

CY FoongCY Foong

Oct 3, 2020

The evolution of Perodua “kosong” spec cars

Cars are expensive. We usually take 5, 7, or even 9 years just to pay them off. Some of us may take the Dave Ramsey route of avoiding loans, but that’s not a popular thing to do. With the tight-budgeted consumer in mind, auto manufacturers have provided us with base spec or “kosong” spec cars. As basic as they are, they serve the purpose of taking you from one place to another. A “kosong” spec car may have been your first car, the company car, or the car you learned to drive in. These cars remin


Sep 27, 2020

Once unbeatable, Proton lost its No.1 rank not because of Perodua, but the PC. How?

In the early 2000s, the hardworking people at Perodua were scratching their heads trying to understand why sales of their oldest model, the Perodua Kancil was increasing. Isn’t that a good thing you ask? Well normally, you would expect demand for an ageing model to decline over time. However, between 1995 and 2002, sales of the Perodua Kancil grew by 56 percent, from 39,856 units to 62,279 units, outpacing the industry’s overall growth by 6 percent. This is highly unusual because by 2002, the Ka


Jan 31, 2021

Proton hilang takhta bukan sebab Perodua, tapi sebab budak universiti. Eh?

Pada awal 2000-an, kakitangan di Perodua naik hairan memikirkan kenapa angka jualan bagi model tertua mereka, Perodua Kancil, semakin meningkat. Anda pula mungkin terfikir, benda dah laku buat apa nak persoalkan? Bukan apa. Kebiasaannya, permintaan bagi model yang sudah lama berada di pasaran selalunya semakin lama semakin berkurangan. Walaubagaimanapun, antara tahun 1995 hingga 2002, angka jualan Perodua Kancil meningkat sehingga 56 peratus – dari 39,856 unit ke 62,279 unit – 6 peratus lebih ti


Feb 21, 2021

Should you wait for the Perodua D55L or book a Proton X50?

I hope you’re not feeling too queasy for more coverage of the Proton X50 because well, here’s another one. Unlike others that churn out plenty of bite-sized visual information on the hottest car to come out from the Malaysian Tiger in a day, we decided to put the spotlight on another highly anticipated Malaysian SUV, the Perodua D55L. The battle of two Ps Historically, Proton and Perodua were never meant to be rivals as both carmakers were catered to different demographics. Perodua focused on ch

CY FoongCY Foong

Oct 2, 2020

Evolusi kereta Perodua spec ‘kosong’. Apa yang berubah dalam kereta ini?

Perodua Axia Kereta adalah antara pembelian termahal kita. Biasanya masa selama 5, 7, atau bahkan 9 tahun diambil hanya untuk membayarnya. Sebilangan daripada kita mungkin mengambil jalan yang kurang popular dengan mengelakkan pinjaman. Apabila pengeluar kenderaan mempertimbangkan bajet pengguna yang ketat, pengeluar kenderaan telah menawarkan sebuah kenderaan spesifikasi asas atau kereta spec "kosong". Secara asasnya, kereta bertujuan untuk membawa anda dari satu tempat ke suatu tempat lain. Ke


Sep 30, 2020

Daihatsu: No future for Indo Perodua Bezza, DN F-Sedan concept killed

Daihatsu has no plans to introduce any sedan models in Indonesia, said the No.2 car brand in Indonesia during an interview with CNN Indonesia. Previously, the company did mull over the prospect introducing a sedan to Indonesia. In 2017, the company previewed the DN F-Sedan concept at the Gaikindo Indonnesia International Auto Show. The low slung, almost coupe-like roofline of the DN F-Sedan was originally conceived as a stylish budget four-door sedan, sharing the same mechanicals and platform as


Aug 3, 2020

New 2019 Perodua Axia adds ASA 2.0 and VSC, safest budget car on sale

Open for bookings but new 2019 design yet to be revealed AV variant adds ASA 2.0 advanced driver assistance system and reverse camera Electronic stability (VSC) and traction control now offered – upper variants only Adds two new variants - GXtra and Style (rumoured to be a taller riding crossover) Reduced manual transmission variants, E variant is sole MT variant Nearly five years after its market launch in 2014, the Perodua Axia has been given its second mid-life update (there was another updat


Aug 22, 2019

Perodua Kelisa – The modern successor to the Mini

Clarkson is an ape. That’s quite a way to start off a story about the Perodua Kelisa. We all know how he made fun of the little Malaysian car and while it was all for entertainment, Malaysians tend to go a bit on the defense when someone picks a fight with our culture. The Perodua Kelisa wasn’t supposed to be a remarkable car. It was launched in 2001 and while it was originally planned to be the replacement to the Kancil, it was instead sold alongside it for six years before both cars were repla

CY FoongCY Foong

Jul 18, 2020

Perodua Kelisa: MINI kegemaran Malaysia!

Zaman sekarang ni, kereta dibina semakin besar. Sebab itulah trend kereta sekarang ini ke arah SUV. Besar dan luas. Namun tahukah anda, SUV lebih senang terbalik berbanding sedan? Oleh itu, fikir dahulu masak-masak sebelum melompat mengikut trend masa kini. Namun, lain pula ceritanya dengan zaman dahulu. Di bumi bertuah Malaysia ini, kita telah diberkati dengan kereta bersaiz kecil, Perodua Kancil dan Perodua Kelisa. Kedua-duanya memang mudah dipandu tetapi Perodua Kelisa menganjak paradigma kit


Jul 23, 2020

Used Perodua Axia: It's already affordable so why buy used?

Considering that the Perodua Axia is already the most affordable car in Malaysia, is there a reason why you should buy the Axia second-hand? The Perodua Axia is well-known for being the entry-level car to get. At its debut, it comfortably succeeded its predecessors the Perodua Viva and Perodua Kancil without preamble thanks to the many built-in features that seem to cater to most Malaysian's needs. Yes, if ever there is an “all-Malaysian-car” it would be the Axia as Perodua has done a good job i


Nov 1, 2020

Owner Review: Still an Apple in My Eyes- My Perodua Alza

** This article is the personal experience of a 2014 Perodua Alza owner and does not necessarily reflect the views of WapCar Facebook: Alex Kew About My Car Here is my Perodua Alza SE automatic transmission purchased at the end of 2014. It was priced at RM59,400 including insurance, and I entitled for RM2,000 discount for year-end stock. I chose the unique colour for my car - Mystical Purple, it is like black colour in low light condition but dark purple under sunlight. The reason being black-pa

Owner ReviewOwner Review

Jul 4, 2020

Pablo Escobar’s 1974 Porsche 911 RSR is up for sale for $2.2 million

If you haven’t heard of Pablo Escobar, then here’s a quick history lesson. Escobar is the wealthiest criminal in history and was viewed as a Robin Hood-like figure by residents in his town. With that amount of wealth, you can expect the man to have a stable full of epic cars. One of those cars, a 1974 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.0 RSR IROC race car, is on sale. The asking price of the car? An eye-watering $2.2 million! As its name suggests, the 911 was used in the now-defunct International Race of Cha


Mar 17, 2021

Perodua masih perbaharui hak cipta nama Kembara dan Nautica selepas 20 tahun?

Perodua D55L dijangka akan dilancarkan pada bulan Mac 2021 ini. Namun apa yang lebih menarik adalah tiada sebarang tanda nama yang didaftarkan oleh Perodua dalam 2 tahun belakangan ini. Hal ini membawa kepada satu maklumat menarik yang didedahkan oleh laman Automachi. Rakan media kami mendakwa nama Perodua D55L bermula dengan huruf A. Malah, kebanyakan laporan media lain turut menguatkan lagi dakwaan tersebut. Semakan di laman web MyIPO mendapati bahawa terdapat 3 nama yang didaftarkan Perodua s


Feb 10, 2021

The problem we have with the new 2020 Perodua Bezza

With A.S.A 2.0 made available on the top spec and VSC now standard for the Premium X, the new facelifted Perodua Bezza sounds like it has received the smartest updates. But one thing that Perodua didn’t see fit to bring to the board is an adjustable steering wheel. Yes, the Perodua Bezza still continues on in this cycle without a tilt adjustable steering wheel. It’s not a strange concept as Perodua’s A-segment representatives, like the Axia, Viva, and Kancil that came before the current crop, ha


Jan 9, 2020

Top Rank: Proton, Toyota, Perodua top Malaysia's most-stolen cars list

It's not an easy topic, but it's worth knowing so you can take appropriate precautions. Here's the Vehicle Theft Reduction Council of Malaysia’s (VTREC) Industry Vehicle Theft Statistics for Q1 2020. The pictures here do not dictate the exact models or variants. A lot of these cars have been in the market for years, so it's a mix of variants across different model generations. 10. Toyota Vellfire - 19 units stolen in Q1 2020 The Vellfire has grown to be a favourite among those looking for a room


Oct 3, 2020

Pros and Cons: Proton Exora Premium – Wait, why are you still on sale?

Back in 2009, when the MPV craze hit Malaysia, Proton and Perodua both added a 7-seater MPV into their line-up. Here we are in 2020 and both the Proton Exora and Perodua Alza are still on sale. Interestingly, both models were given an update in 2019 and there seem to be no signs of replacement for the Perodua Alza. This time, let's focus on what is seen as the best value-for-money C-segment MPV, the Exora. We'll talk about the Alza some other time. Throughout the 11 years on sale, the Exora has

CY FoongCY Foong

Sep 8, 2020

Perodua Kenari – Uniquely bad or brilliantly practical?

This year not only marked the 20th anniversary of the Proton Waja, but also one of the weirdest Perodua models sold. Before the overwhelming success of the Myvi, Perodua was always overshadowed by Proton. Granted, Perodua and Proton weren’t directly competing then. Perodua focused itself on basic city runabouts with smaller engines and this didn’t affect sales of Proton. Perodua had a very simple 3-car line-up too. The Kancil was meant for beginner drivers, the Rusa was for simple commercial use

CY FoongCY Foong

Jul 7, 2020

From concept to production: Perodua GMA Space concept to Perodua Axia

Perodua has come a long way. In its early days, Perodua’s budget cars were good enough only for driving schools. Today, the Perodua Axia is no longer just something that you buy because you can’t afford anything better (of course, a part of that is still true), but it is something that even we will recommend simply because it’s the most logical and wisest purchase for anyone looking for a cheap and dependable first car. Enthusiast drivers might disagree but accountants and financial planners wil


Sep 3, 2019