
proton savvy engine swap

Proton tried fighting Perodua with the Tiara and Savvy, and lost miserably

Between Proton and Perodua, it’s easy to see which one produces the rakyat's car. Both local carmakers also have a sort of friendly rivalry. While Proton did a decent rival against the Perodua Myvi with the Iriz, its sales were pretty lacklustre compared to the mighty King. At least the Iriz actually sell decently, which is more being said for its predecessors, the Proton Tiara and the Proton Savvy. Exactly what went wrong with the two Proton hatchbacks that both models are dubbed as the worst p

CY FoongCY Foong

Dec 20, 2020

Proton Saga, Waja pakai enjin Honda Civic Type R? Inilah ‘engine swap’ pelik dalam casis Proton!

Sebut saja Proton, memang kerjasama jenama itu dengan Mitsubishi suatu masa dahulu tidak boleh dilupakan, bermula daripada Proton Saga 1985 sehinggalah Proton Inspira 2014. Sepertimana anda tahu, Proton mengambil asas platform Mitsubishi yang lama seperti Lancer, Eterna, Mirage, dan Galant sebelum merombak model-model ini menjadi model seperti Saga, Wira, Satria, Putra dan sebagainya. Oleh itu, maka tak hairanlah banyak pemilik Proton menukar enjin asal kereta mereka ke model yang lagi berkuasa.

Zamil SyaheerZamil Syaheer

Nov 26, 2020


在Proton和Perodua之间,很容易看出谁的车才是人民之车。不过,这两家国产车企之间,也一直有着某种友好的竞争关系。 尽管Proton凭借着Iriz与Perodua Myvi打得有来有回,但比起真正的王者,它还是要差点意思。不过至少,Iriz的销量还算可观,但这个评价,用在它的前辈Proton Tiara和Proton Savvy上更加合适。 这两款Proton的掀背车型到底做错了什么,以至于我们会将它们称为吉利时代前最差劲的Proton车型?从理论上说,这取决于Savvy选择的变速箱,但无论如何,这两款车型对于Proton来说都是很失败的。 那么,我们先从Proton Tiara开始吧。 Proton Tiara——表现并不出色 在90年代,Proton几乎占据了每一个级别的市场。Iswara虽然可能有些落后了,但它确实能够让你以低廉的价格换来宽裕的空间。 Wira在追加了新的引擎选项后,在销量榜上居高不下,而尽管Perdana才刚刚上市,但它最终统治D级市场只是时间问题。最后,还有Satria,它也逐渐成为了一个狂热群体的符号。 所以,Tiara在这里真的有些格格不入。首先,


Dec 26, 2020

Proton cuba nak lawan Perodua dengan Tiara dan Savvy, tapi gagal! Kenapa?

Di antara Proton dan Perodua, amat mudah untuk melihat jenama mana yang menghasilkan kereta rakyat. Kedua-dua pembuat kereta tempatan ini juga mempunyai persaingan yang agak sihat antara satu sama lain. Walaupun Proton memberi saingan yang baik melawan Perodua Myvi dengan Iriz, namun begitu angka penjualannya kurang memberangkan jika nak dibandingkan dengan ‘Raja Jalanan’ yang perkasa. Tetapi, angka jualannya boleh dikira sebagai “langit dan bumi” jika nak dibandingkan dengan cubaan Proton terda

Zamil SyaheerZamil Syaheer

Dec 25, 2020

Proton Satria Neo, Savvy, and Saga make ‘cameo appearance’ in Netflix’s Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth

Let’s face it, we all love it when any good bits of our beloved country appears in the international film or TV shows. Whether it’s our instilled patriotism deeply rooted inside our heart, or our pure love towards Malaysia, or simply because we like to critique on our homemade products, one thing is for sure – it commands our attention. It is no surprise that Netflix has been the preferred choice for people longing for entertainment throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) due to Covid-19 pan

Zamil SyaheerZamil Syaheer

Apr 28, 2020

Owner Review: The hybrid system failed so I decided to engine swap my car - My Honda Jazz/Fit "Hybrid" RS

** This article is published on WapCar Community. Click the link below to enter the community for car enthusiasts in Malaysia https://www.wapcar.my/forum Basic information 2012 Honda Jazz Hybrid (CBU) a.k.a Honda Jazz/Fit "Hybrid" RS Reason why I bought this car Hybrid Tax Exemption Car selection process I had a budget of: RM100k Models that I have considered include: Toyota Vios, Toyota Prius C, Honda City Reasons why I chose this car: Trim spec offered better than the rest User experience I ha

Owner ReviewOwner Review

Dec 2, 2020


作为一个国家(明确的说,是纳税人)投资了超过35年的汽车品牌,仅仅提到Proton这个名字,都会引起大马各界人士的强烈回应。对于Proton,人们有许多不同的看法,有些是正面的,也有一些是负面的。 不过可以确定的一点是,当前Proton的现有车型,也就是从吉利派生而来的Proton X50和Proton X70,是真正的世界级产品。从产品线的角度来看,Proton现在比以往的任何时候都要繁荣。凭借着优秀的产品,Proton很自然地将市场份额和利润都收入囊中。 我们尽可以探讨Proton在大马的神圣地位,或者争论它还能不能被称为国有汽车企业,但这些都不是我们今天这篇文章的主题。 相反,我们要做的是庆祝Proton走过了35年的历史。如同所有的人生一样,Proton经历过低谷,也有过鼎盛的时期。即使在吉利到来之前,Proton也已经证明过自己是有能力制造出好车的,问题在于这常常出现偏差。 在我们向更光明的未来进发之前,我们要先清除掉负面的东西,所以我们会先从Proton的低谷开始说起。 吉利时代之前,Proton最差的5款车 1. Proton Tiara Proton Tiara的血统可


Nov 22, 2020

Lakaran: Proton Tiara baru – bakal mengungguli Perodua Axia?

Proton merupakan jenama kereta Malaysia yang pertama tetapi jenama Perodua sentiasa menjadi pilihan rakyat. Walau apapun, apa anda rasa jika Proton hendak bersaing dengan Perodua Axia melalui model yang telah lama terkubur? Baru-baru ini, pelakar automotif terkenal di tanah air kita iaitu Theophilus Chin telah memberikan gambaran beliau mengenai Proton Tiara baru. Untuk maklumat anda, beliau juga telah melakar Honda HR-V yang akan datang. Berdasarkan lakaran beliau, Proton Tiara baharu kelihatan


Nov 30, 2020

What are the 5 Best (and 5 worst) pre-Geely era Protons?

As a brand that the nation (specifically tax payers) have invested more than 35 years into, the mere mention of the name Proton will naturally elicit strong response from Malaysians of all walks of life. We all have our opinions on Proton, some good, others less so. But what is certain is that the current generation Proton cars, namely the Geely-derived Proton X50 and Proton X70, are truly world-class products. From the product line-up point of view, Proton is now stronger than ever and with str


Sep 18, 2020

Rendered: Could this revived Proton Tiara beat the Perodua Axia?

Proton is easily the first homegrown Malaysian car brand but when it comes to being the people’s choice, it’s obvious that the answer belongs to Perodua. That being said, what if Proton decided to challenge the Perodua Axia with its own A-segment hatchback and bringing back a long-lost nameplate? Well, worry no more because this Proton Tiara (or should I say Tiada?) is designed by the maestro himself, Theophilus Chin, who also provided the renders of the next-gen Honda HR-V, Based on the looks,

CY FoongCY Foong

Nov 30, 2020


作为这个国家(特别是纳税人)贡献超过35年的品牌,只要提起Proton这个名字,自然就会引起马来西亚各行各业人们的强烈反响。我们对Proton都有自己不同的看法,有些是好的,有些则不是。 不过可以肯定的是,现在这一代的Proton汽车,即源于Geely的Proton X50和Proton X70,都是真正的世界级产品。从产品阵容的角度来看,现在的Proton比以前任何时候都更强大,凭借着具有强大竞争力的产品,其市场领先地位和利润自然会随之而来。 我们可以因为Proton的身份,甚至是它是否应该继续把自己称作“国民汽车品牌”而争论不休,但这不是本文的目的。 相反,我们想庆祝Proton的35年历史。像人的一生那样,这段历史中曾有低谷,也曾有高潮。即便是在Geely入局之前,Proton就已经证明了它具备打造真正优秀汽车的能力,只是在这期间,成功和失败的案例都曾经出现过。 我们先从那些不怎么好的车型着手盘点,只有以史为鉴,方能更好地朝着光明的未来前进。 Geely时代前Proton制造过的最糟糕的5款汽车 1. Proton Tiara Citroen AX绝对不是一款不好的车,只是它太普

Wapcar UGCWapcar UGC

Oct 20, 2020

Spyshot: Proton X50 diuji di Thailand, Proton bakal kembali ke sana?

Pasaran Thailand bakal menerima kejutan daripada Proton. Selepas beberapa lama menyepi di negara tomyum tersebut, terdapat kemungkinan untuk Proton kembali ke sana dengan Proton X50. Hal ini kerana Proton X50 dilihat sedang dipandu uji di Thailand. Gambar intipan Proton X50 dengan jelas memperlihatkan Proton X50 sedang menelusuri jalanraya di Thailand dengan memakai samaran dan nombor plat Thailand. Sebelum ini, terdapat berita di mana Proton sedang membangunkan sistem ‘Hi Proton’ dalam bahasa T


Feb 9, 2021

假想图:这辆复活的Proton Tiara能够打败Perodua Axia吗?

Proton是第一个马来西亚国产的汽车品牌,但若要问谁是人民的选择,答案却仍是Perodua。 尽管如此,但如果Proton决定要重新启用早已淘汰的招牌,用自己的这款A级掀背车来挑战Perodua Axia,结果又会是如何呢? 别担心,这辆Proton Tiara(或者应该说Tiada?)是出自大师Theophilus Chin之手,新一代Honda HR-V的渲染图也是出自他的手下。 从外观上看,它确实有点像被压扁了的Proton Suprima,在尾部又有一点Dacia Sandero或印度Tata Tiago的感觉。 一个有趣的事实是,Tiago一开始的名字叫做Zica,但因为听起来有点像Zika病毒,Tata最终为它改了名字,真是个糟糕的巧合。 回到这辆A级掀背车,它的前脸有着与Saga相似的头灯和前保险杠,同时还有从X50上借来的中网。 正如名字一样,Tiada只是个幻想。很遗憾,Proton几乎不可能重新复活这款A级掀背车了。 还记得Proton曾经向Perodua发起挑战的那两次尝试吗?Tiara和Savvy最终都以失败告终。尽管Savvy最终成为了我们喜爱的一款车(MT


Dec 7, 2020

Rendered: 2021 Proton X70 MC1 facelift expected, 1.5 TGDI engine?

Having enjoyed success as one of the most popular SUVs in Malaysia, the Proton X70 might just receive an update sometime this year. According to our friends at Funtasticko, a facelifted Proton X70, dubbed the Proton X70 MC1, is in the pipeline. Mass production is expected to begin in the second half of 2021. With the Proton X50 powered by a 1.5-litre TGDI engine and assembled in Malaysia, there is speculation that the 2021 Proton X70 MC1 would use the same engine too. If you're having doubts on


Feb 2, 2021

Rumour: 2020 Proton X50 could get 1.4-litre engine option?

The 2020 Proton X50 may be some months away, but the rumour mill is at it again. This time, our friends over at Funtasticko mentioned that Proton could be introducing a 1.4-litre variant of the X50, as several units have reportedly arrived in Malaysia. Codenamed JLB-4G14T, the 1.4-litre turbocharged four-cylinder engine is fitted to the China market Geely Binyue Pro, which outputs 141 PS and 235 Nm. The engine is mated to a 6-speed manual or a wet-type 6-speed dual-clutch automatic. By compariso


Jun 22, 2020

Future locally assembled Proton-Geely models will use Petronas engine oil

The Proton X70 is the first model to be introduced to the local market since the inception of the Proton-Geely era. At present, the Proton X70 is fully imported from China while Proton upgrades its existing Tanjung Malim manufacturing facility. Some of you may not know but currently, the X70’s 1.8-litre four-cylinder turbocharged TGDi engine is fed with Shell-branded engine oil. This raised some eyebrows among consumers as to why Proton did not engage its long-time lubricants partner, Petronas f

Adrian ChiaAdrian Chia

Sep 26, 2019

Proton Saga spotted in Pakistan, new 1,299 cc engine, CKD in 2021

Two units of the new Proton Saga with camouflage were spotted in Lahore, Pakistan. These units, which appear to be undergoing tests, are likely equipped with a slightly downsized engine (1,299 cc vs 1,332 cc). Proton Saga As reported by CarSpiritPK, the Saga bound for Pakistan will get a downsized engine to gain tax incentives as the tax structure for 1,300 cc and above cars is different. Power outputs of the smaller engine are still unclear at the moment. The 1,332 cc engine we have in Malaysia


Sep 1, 2020

The electric Proton Tiara was Citroën’s first production electric car

We’ve seen various attempts at innovation by Proton such as the Arena, Juara, and Savvy. As an automaker, Proton is actually quite young considering Hyundai was founded in 1967 and Volkswagen was founded pre-World War 2. Proton was founded in 1983. Now, one car you might remember from Proton is the Proton Tiara. It was an oddball since it was Proton’s only collaboration with a French automaker. The Tiara had a 1.1 L 4-cylinder engine that only made 57 PS of maximum power. The transmission was a


Jun 19, 2020

Proton X50 1.5L Turbo has an award winning engine, so what's the big deal?

Say what you want about Made in China because the Chinese have come a very long way from mass-producing cheap knockoffs to becoming the technology hub they are today. Huawei, Alibaba (yes Alibaba is a tech company) and Geely are now familiar names to the rest of the world. Although the latter only made its wave among Malaysians in 2017 after acquiring a 49.9% stake in Proton. Since then Geely-Proton partnership has made technologies such as 4G online connectivity, intelligent voice command, Adva

Adrian ChiaAdrian Chia

Nov 9, 2020

Pakistan launching Proton Saga this month with smaller engine, manual and 4AT options

The Proton Saga is set to be launched in the Pakistani market soon. According to a source, CBU units of the Saga have arrived in the country. A cross check with the Proton Pakistan website reveals that the Saga is indeed listed, albeit without a price yet. Also read: Closer Look: 2021 Proton Saga R3 Limited Edition - still worthy of the R3 badge? While it is largely the same car we Malaysians get, the CBU Pakistan Proton Saga gets a slighty smaller engine, and we mean slightly. It's still a 1.3-


Mar 10, 2021

Thailand is using the new and cheaper Nissan Almera to lock out imports of Proton Saga

Last year, Proton exported just slightly over 1,100 cars, a far cry from its heydays in year 2005 when the company exported over 20,000 cars to various countries including Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, and Egypt. The whole point of Zhejiang Geely buying a stake in Proton is to use Malaysia as its gateway to South East Asia, a region with a combined total new car sales of nearly 3.5 million cars annually, led by Indonesia (1,030,126 cars in 2019), Thailand (1,041,739 cars in 2019), and


May 22, 2020

Watch this 1,305 PS, 2JZ-powered BMW E30 M3 do M3 things at the Nurburgring

The Toyota 2JZ engine is one that has transcended time, spaceships and aliens. This powerplant is so ubiquitious that every time someone mentions an engine conversion, the invevitable answer appears to be, "2JZ-swap it!" Nobody in the history of mankind has ever said, "The E30 BMW M3 needs more poke," but that didn't stop the good people at Buldre Racing team in Germany from yanking the S14 4-cylinder engine (235 PS, 240 Nm in its most powerful form) out for something with more poke. The 'more p


Jul 31, 2020

35 years of Proton – Could Proton have achieved more at 35?

Proton is an abbreviation or Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional. It’s a national car. That was the intention and it is something we should be proud of. Germany has Volkswagen, Japan has Toyota, and Korea has Hyundai. Other famous brands have been left out in favour of those that cater to the masses with “people’s cars”. Proton is 35 years old (We’ll take the Saga launch as its birthday). Toyota and Volkswagen are 83 years old while Hyundai is 53 years old. Proton is young in comparison to these compan


Aug 2, 2020

Spied: Proton X70 in Thailand, to get newer 1.5T engine than Malaysia's

Proton's plans of re-entering Thailand may come into fruition sooner than we think - a little over a month since the Proton X50 was first spotted there, now the Proton X70 has also made its way to the Land of Smiles. Said to be found driving around in Bangkok, the X70 seen here is either the Premium or the Premium X variant as judged by the 19-inch dual-tone wheels this car wears. Also read: Spied: Proton X50 seen in Thailand - exports before fulfilling Malaysian backlogs? Proton's plans to re-e


Mar 16, 2021

Proton Tiara kereta elektrik keluaran pertama Citroën

Kita telah melihat pelbagai cubaan inovasi oleh Proton seperti model Arena, Juara dan Savvy. Sebagai pengeluar kereta, Proton sebenarnya agak mentah memandangkan Hyundai diasaskan pada tahun 1967 manakala Volkswagen pula ketika pra-Perang Dunia Kedua. Proton pula diasaskan pada tahun 1983. Pasti anda masih ingat dengan sebuah kereta Proton terdahulu bernama Proton Tiara. Ia agak menghairankan kerana ia adalah satu-satunya kolaborasi antara Proton dengan pembuat kereta Perancis. Proton Tiara memp


Jun 22, 2020

New Proton X50 engine designed to last for 15 years or a distance of 350k km

The highly anticipated Proton X50 was finally publicly unveiled last week and although some mistakes were made on our part, we’re still very much excited to see how it drives. Besides having Proton’s trademark ride and handling on the hot crossover, another thing to look forward to would be the brand-new 1.5-litre 3-cylinder port injected engine. Proton labels this engine as a multi-point injected (MPI) engine – perhaps an homage to the Iswara which was badged as an MPI in the UK? The Proton X50

CY FoongCY Foong

Sep 24, 2020

Should you wait for the Perodua D55L or book a Proton X50?

I hope you’re not feeling too queasy for more coverage of the Proton X50 because well, here’s another one. Unlike others that churn out plenty of bite-sized visual information on the hottest car to come out from the Malaysian Tiger in a day, we decided to put the spotlight on another highly anticipated Malaysian SUV, the Perodua D55L. The battle of two Ps Historically, Proton and Perodua were never meant to be rivals as both carmakers were catered to different demographics. Perodua focused on ch

CY FoongCY Foong

Oct 2, 2020

Did Geely just confirmed that Proton X50's engine is not the same as Volvo XC40's?

Is the Proton X50's using the same engine as the Volvo XC40? It depends on who are you asking. Proton fans (and sales people) insist that it's the same engine but others say it's similar but not the same. To recap, the Proton X50 rides on Geely’s BMA platform, which is developed in-house by Geely themselves, without Volvo’s input. The Volvo XC40 however, rides on the more sophisticated CMA platform, which is co-developed by both Geely and Volvo, via their Sweden-based CEVT joint-venture company.


Sep 17, 2020

2020 Proton X70 introduced in Bangladesh, gets 1.5T engine with 177 PS/255 Nm, 7-spd DCT

PHP Automobiles Limited, the official distributor of Proton vehicles in Bangladesh, has introduced the Proton X70 in the country. The first 100 units are imported (CBU) from Malaysia, while the subsequent units will be locally-assembled (CKD) at PHP Automobile's plant in Chittagong. Separating the Malaysian and Bangladeshi Proton X70 is the engine. Buyers in Bangladesh get the Proton X70 with a smaller 1.5-litre turbocharged three-cylinder petrol engine that does 177 PS at 5,500 rpm and 255 Nm f


Sep 1, 2020

Daimler confirms engine partnership with Geely, to include Proton and Volvo Cars

Daimler AG and Geely Holding Group made a joint announcement late yesterday confirming earlier reports that both companies are collaborating to develop hybrid powertrain for next generation hybrid vehicles. The resulting powertrains could be used by Mercedes-Benz and all Geely Holding Group’s portfolio of brands, including Volvo Cars. “The cooperation is expected to see the companies work together on hybrid powertrain solutions to enhance their global competitiveness and create true economies of


Nov 21, 2020