Haval H9 Comparison

  • How many length(mm) does Haval H9 has?

    The length(mm) of Haval H9 are 4856.

  • Is Haval H9 available in Seat Features(Front-Driver)?

    No, Haval H9 isn't available in Seat Features(Front-Driver).

  • Is Haval H9 available in Cupholders?

    No, Haval H9 isn't available in Cupholders.

  • What is the Steering Tilt of Haval H9?

    Here are the Steering Tilt and variants of Haval H9:

    Variants2020 Haval H9 2.0 Premium
    Steering TiltY
  • What are the Petrol variants of Haval H9?

    Haval H9 is available in Petrol variants, which are 2020 Haval H9 2.0 Premium.
  • Is Haval H9 available in Screen?

    No, Haval H9 isn't available in Screen.

  • Tell me the Powertrain of Haval H9.

    The Powertrain of the Haval H9 are as follow:

    Variants2020 Haval H9 2.0 Premium
    Capacity (L)2.0L
    Aspiration Form
    Cylinder Arrangement
    Number of Cylinders
    Compression Ratio
    Timing Type
    Horsepower (PS)251
    Rpm at Max Hp5500
    Rpm at Max torque4500
    Top Speed (km/h)
  • Is Haval H9 available in Airbags?

    Yes, Haval H9 is available in Airbags. The available Airbags variants are: 2020 Haval H9 2.0 Premium.

  • Is Haval H9 available in Auto Parking?

    Yes, Haval H9 is available in Auto Parking. The available Auto Parking variants are: 2020 Haval H9 2.0 Premium.

  • Does Haval H9 has Cruise Control?

    No, Haval H9 doesn't have Cruise Control.

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