Ford Mustang Comparison

  • Is Ford Mustang available in Screen Size(inch)?

    No, Ford Mustang isn't available in Screen Size(inch).

  • What is the torque (Nm) of Ford Mustang?

    Here are the torque (Nm) and variants of Ford Mustang:

    Variants2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0
    torque (Nm)432530
  • What is the Generation of Ford Mustang?

    Here are the Generation and variants of Ford Mustang:

    Variants2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0
    Generation(2016) S550(2016) S550
  • What is the Knee Airbags of Ford Mustang?

    Here are the Knee Airbags and variants of Ford Mustang:

    Variants2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0
    Knee AirbagsFront KneeFront Knee
  • Does Ford Mustang has Screen?

    No, Ford Mustang doesn't have Screen.

  • Does Ford Mustang has Screen Size(inch)?

    No, Ford Mustang doesn't have Screen Size(inch).

  • Does Ford Mustang has Interior Lighting?

    Yes, Ford Mustang has Interior Lighting, which are: 2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost, 2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0.

  • What is the Cupholders of Ford Mustang?

    Here are the Cupholders and variants of Ford Mustang:

    Variants2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0
    Cupholders2 Front2 Front
  • What is the Monthly Payment of Ford Mustang?

    Here are the Monthly Payment and variants of Ford Mustang:

    Variants2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0
    Monthly PaymentRM 8,302RM 10,181
  • Does Ford Mustang has Front/Rear Curtain Airbags?

    Yes, Ford Mustang has Front/Rear Curtain Airbags, which are: 2018 Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost, 2018 Ford Mustang GT 5.0.

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