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Audi: China and South Korea most supportive of driverless cars, USA and UK least

Jerrica ยท Sep 26, 2019 03:48 PM

Audi driverless car survey

A recent typology - the science of classification - carried out by Audi shows that China and South Korea are more receptive to autonomous cars on their roads than any other country in the world. Based on the Human Readiness Index (HRI), China records +5.1 while South Korea records +1.2 reading. 

Spain and Italy leads the way in the European side with a +0.7 reading while countries like Germany, France, the USA, Japan and British are more reserved against driverless cars.

China and South Korea are more open to driverless cars

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Self-driving cars are considered the biggest innovation that has ever happened in the motoring industry. These cars utilise multiple sensors positioned around the car to determine when to move, stop and park.

It also relies heavily on satellite navigation to bring you to your destination. But like every new technology, there will be resistance.

USA and UK areas least supportive of driverless cars

To help understand the market better, Audi, one of the leading autonomous car champions, started the initiative ‘&Audi.’ 

The survey identified 5 user types: the suspicious driver, the safety oriented reluctants, the open-minded co-pilots, the status oriented trendsetters, and the tech-savvy passengers. 

According to ‘&Audi’ member and professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, Dr Luciano Floridi, the typology is a necessary step to not only prepare the world to welcome the autonomous phenomenon but also to help determine any policy and law-making decisions in regards to autonomous driving. 



There isnโ€™t a time in memory that doesnโ€™t involve staring at cars. After discovering the excitement of watching Schumacher vs Hakkinen, Formula 1 became a major part of life. The love for cars and F1 ultimately led to a job with CAR Magazine. The untimely death of the magazine meant a hiatus from cars at lifestyle womenโ€™s magazine Marie Claire before another opportunity came knocking again.

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