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DreamEdge and Daihatsu To Spearhead Third National Car Project

Jack · Aug 15, 2019 02:03 PM

DreamEdge and Daihatsu To Spearhead Third National Car Project 01

  • DreamEdge will be in charge
  • Daihatsu to provide technical knowledge
  • Goes on sales in March 2021

Last week, Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Darell Leiking revealed the company responsible for the third national car company is DreamEdge.

According to the slides provided during the press conference, the first mock-up will be shown towards the end of August 2019. By March 2020, the first prototype model will be completed, and the car is expected to be launched by March 2021.

Apart from the timeline, DreamEdge also revealed that the first model will most likely feature a regular petrol engine, though a hybrid powertrain is also possible.

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DreamEdge and Daihatsu To Spearhead Third National Car Project 01

DreamEdge also revealed that its first model will be a sedan, possibly crossing the B- and C-segment. They also stated that the new model will be an ‘exclusive model, with new approach to segmentation.’ 

Other key focus of the third national car project include being affordable to public, focus on upper body design, interior, human-machine interface, and enhanced noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) and ride & handling. 

Assisting DreamEdge with the task of developing its first model is Daihatsu Motor Company, whereby the Japanese company will ‘provide support in advanced technology’. 

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