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The Perodua Axia 2019 is Malaysia's cheapest new car with VSC

Eric · Sep 20, 2019 10:33 PM

2019 Perodua Axia Front

With the introduction of the new Perodua Axia 2019, the company has made Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) and Traction Control (TRC) more accessible to the general public, as the variants from the GXtra onwards of the new Axia gains this important safety feature.

2019 Perodua Axia buttons

Priced from RM 34,990, the Perodua Axia GXtra 2019 is Malaysia’s cheapest new car to offer stability and traction control, undercutting the Proton Saga Premium AT by roughly RM 5,000.

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2019 Perodua Axia AV side

If you want even more safety equipment, then the Axia AV is a better option, as it is equipped with Perodua’s Advanced Safety Assist 2.0 (ASA 2.0).

2019 Perodua Axia AV rear

The Perodua Axia AV is priced from RM 43,190, this particular Axia variant is Malaysia’s cheapest new car to offer this advanced safety feature. The updated Axia AV is also the first Axia variant to offer a reverse camera.

However, if you value the practicality of a rear boot, then the Perodua Bezza would be a better option. However, the Bezza 1.3 Advance does not offer ASA 2.0. 



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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Market fair trade-in price

2023 Perodua Axia 1.0 G


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