1 Answer:
  • Hardcore Angel
    When it comes to Australian regulations, standards, laws, rules and guides for vehicle window tinting it is commonly accepted to have a car window tint of no less than 35% Visible Light Transmission (VLT). Both 35% and 50% VLT are legally suitable for vehicle windows with no existing tint.
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  • How long do Mercedes carbon ceramic brakes last?

    80,000 miles
    Brake pads can generally be expected to last between 25,000 and 65,000 miles, but some brake pads–like the long-lasting carbon ceramic variety–are designed to last over 80,000 miles.
  • What does active Brake Assist functions limited mean Mercedes?

    The system gives the driver a visual warning if the distance to the vehicle in front is too small. On detecting the danger of a collision there is an acoustic warning, driver braking can be assisted and, if the driver fails to react, the speed can be reduced autonomously.
  • How many brake pad sensors does a Mercedes have?

    Two sensors were confirmed by us. There are one front and one rear passenger side.
  • What is ready alert braking?

    Ready Alert Braking may reduce the time required to reach full braking during emergency braking situations. It anticipates when an emergency braking situation may occur by monitoring how fast the throttle is released by the driver. The EBC will prepare the brake system for a panic stop.

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