1 Answer:
  • kee leong
    1. Open Google Maps app on your Android or iOS device.
    2. Head to the "menu" button in the app.
    3. Tap on 'Settings" option and click on "Navigation" option.
    4. Scroll down to driving options given at the bottom and enable the "Speedometer" placed below the "speed limits" option.
    6 jun 2019
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  • Can Apple Maps display speed?

    Among all of them, Big update now apple maps show Speed Limit For Your Current Location. Speed Limit Indicator Hmm, by default, that setting is enabled, so while driving the car on the road, your navigation will show you the Current Speed limits Overly for the road.28 jul 2021
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    Press LIM CNCL/OFF with the limiter in standby mode to switch the system off. Press RES+ with the limiter in standby mode to set the limiter to the detected speed limit. Press SET- with the limiter in standby mode to set the limiter to the current vehicle speed.