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Segment B-Segment
BodyType Sedan
Transmission AT
Capacity 1.4 L
Horsepower 101 PS
Seats 4 - 5
Road Tax Cost*
Insurance Cost*
Fuel Cost*

* For reference only, you can adjust your real situation with the calculator.

Car for sale
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Chevrolet Sonic Sedan 2024 has total 5 color options in Malaysia: Royal Grey, Switchblade Silver, Black Sapphire, Summit White, Oceanic Blue.

  • Chevrolet Sonic Sedan Royal Grey
  • Chevrolet Sonic Sedan Switchblade Silver
  • Chevrolet Sonic Sedan Black Sapphire
  • Chevrolet Sonic Sedan Summit White
  • Chevrolet Sonic Sedan Oceanic Blue

Royal Grey

  • What is the Assembly of Chevrolet Sonic Sedan?

    Here are the Assembly and variants of Chevrolet Sonic Sedan:

    Variants2014 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LTZ 1.4
  • What is the Monthly Payment of Chevrolet Sonic Sedan?

    Here are the Monthly Payment and variants of Chevrolet Sonic Sedan:

    Variants2016 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LTZ 1.4 AT2019 Chevrolet Sonic Premier sedan2014 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LTZ 1.4
    Monthly Payment1,7000RM 1,383
  • What is the Valvetrain of Chevrolet Sonic Sedan?

    Here are the Valvetrain and variants of Chevrolet Sonic Sedan:

    Variants2014 Chevrolet Sonic Sedan LTZ 1.4
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2019 Chevrolet Sonic Premier sedan


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